Saturday, May 28, 2005

Phasers on Flange

First cut at sketching out the intro + first verse: DreamingInTechnicolor-FutureShock.mp3 (1.4MB, 1:30)
For the intro, stripped it down to an echoed piano line on top of an 'ethereal vocal' line with echo and heavy flanging. Then mixed it with a VL70m voice (Cyberstring - how can you NOT use a voice named 'Cyberstring' for this song???) going through the MPX110 DreamSequence effect and then heavily flanged it to create a sound like some jet engine, ramping from nothing up to a sonic boom.
For the first verse, vocals are mainly an attempt to establish a melody line at this point. Starting to sketch out ideas for the chorus as well. Drum line isn't as good as the previous version, but the tempo feels a lot better for the lyrics.


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